Keep your pet safe, 10% OFF Pet First Aid

Keep your pet safe, 10% OFF Pet First Aid certification


10% OFF Pet First Aid certification

10% OFF Pet First Aid certification for Pet Professionals


Keep your pet safe, 10% OFF Pet First Aid cert.

Keep your pet safe, 10% OFF Pet First Aid certification


10% OFF Pet First Aid certification for Pet Prof.

10% OFF Pet First Aid certification for Pet Professionals


10% OFF on 2-year pet CPR and First Aid cert.

10% OFF on 2-year pet CPR and First Aid certification


关于 ProTrainings screenshot

Our story starts in the classroom, but unlike most CPR training companies, it doesn't end there. Our co-founder, Roy Shaw, was a classroom CPR instructor for many years before our company was born in 2003.

Roy knew what he was doing was ambitious, so rather than do it on his own, he partnered with Paul Martin and Scott Andersen to help in the early years. Our new team now included a paramedic / CPR instructor, a web developer / marketer, and a graphic designer / video editor.

You wouldn't be alone if CPR training makes you think of classrooms and manikins rather than a computer. And in 2003, this was even more true than today. But that didn't stop us from deciding to change everything.

After all, CPR training was broken and we were determined to fix it. No more falling asleep in a 4-6 hour class. Why not learn from the comfort of your home.
