Algemene kortingscode voor Podobrace BE gedurende het hele jaar

De kortingscode kan door bezoekers het hele jaar door gebruikt worden om 5% korting te krijgen op het gehele assortiment.


5% kortingsactie bij

Bezoekers kunnen 5% korting krijgen door de kortingscode: podo 5 te gebruiken. Deze actie is het hele jaar geldig.



10% korting tijdens Pasen bij Podobrace!

10% korting op het hele assortiment tijdens Pasen bij Podobrace!

截止日期: 2023-04-10


Sportsseasoen 2023 at Podobrace UK

Podobrace has selected a number of products that will prevent injuries or relieve pain during the upcoming spring/sports season!

截止日期: 2023-06-21


Sportseizoen 2023

Podobrace heeft een aantal producten geselecteerd die blessures voorkomen of pijn verlichten tijdens het aankomende lente/sportseizoen!

截止日期: 2023-06-21


关于 Podobrace screenshot

Podobrace is a collection of therapists who still believe in helping people, with customer satisfaction as their main priority. Podobrace was created out of the fact that we could never find a website for our own patients where we could easily order products, to help our clients and provide them with products for the best price / quality ratio. And that's how Podobrace was created, a website and webshop where people can get free advice from a physio, manual, podopostural and occupational therapists or sports podiatrists (who in addition are all members of various societies, such as the Omni Podo Genootschap and Stichting Loop) in order to obtain the best product for their complaints.

Our specialists are more than happy to help you with objective personalised advice, so you can get rid of your complaints as fast as possible and they can give you the best fitting product or treatment.

And because of this combination of expertise, speed of delivery and customized advice, Podobrace has grown to be the number #1 webshop for medical devices in Holland and Belgium. With over 35 years of experience and over 100000 orders every year throughout Europe, Podobrace has long been known for its unique service, reliability and above all, feeling for the customer.