

Exclusif -10% Run Advisor hors offres promotionnelles

截止日期: 2022-12-31


关于 Monbento

monbento.com screenshot

Be unique
Choosing monbento means choosing a beautiful product that you’ll want to use and show off, which matches your lifestyle and values, and that can even be personalised in line with available features.

Simplify your everyday life
Choosing monbento, means opting to bring your own food when you eat away from home. A time- and money-saving practice that becomes an absolute pleasure when all its limitations are overcome thanks to our tailor-made “companions”.

Take care of yourself and the environment
Choosing monbento means healthy eating because you control what’s in your lunch and by eating home-cooked food… It also means avoiding waste by reducing the use of throwaway containers and packaging that add to the trash mountain.