
Express Delivery on Memmo

Express delivery on personalised video messages from celebrities

截止日期: 2021-09-05


Discounts on celebrity messages

Discounts on personalised video messages from celebrities

截止日期: 2021-09-05


关于 Memmo

memmo.me screenshot

memmo - creating personal connections between fans and profiles
After thinking for a long time about the positive and emotional effect that occurs when you have personal contact with inspiring people, the idea of memmo came to Gustav Lundberg Toresson and Tobias Bengtsdahl, when they sat each night as guests at different wedding dinners.

During many lengthy speeches, often a little too internal for everyone to appreciate, the evening suddenly stopped. A video clip featuring the bride's main idol was presented, with some playful lines about how it could have instead been the bride and he - with a big congratulations to the lucky groom. A few miles south on a similar event outside Paris, all of the wedding guests suddenly sit in unified laughter. A French football player has been shown via video clips during dinner, and the mood is quite different from what it was before. The same questions arose in both Gustav and Tobias’ minds - how had they managed to get hold of the videos and is there a way to share these positive experiences more often?

One answer led to the other. Getting hold of these profiles was not a simple story. Personal contact with agents or the profiles themselves was just the beginning, and the implementation of the video was another process. A complicated gift, which nevertheless was more than worthwhile. The reactions to these clips were unbeatable and something that more people should be aware of - at least Gustav and Tobias thought so, and the idea of memmo was born.

memmo is a platform that offers personalised video messages from well-known talent to their fans and followers. As a customer, you send a request for a specific message - a greeting, an internal joke or some fancy words for a big speech - and the talent decides what videos they want to perform for the predetermined price. The video is recorded, sent and paid for directly via our platform.

Put simply, memmo is here to make people happy, with a vision of being the place for creating personal connections between fans and their idols.