LoveIsArose.com is a website that celebrates relationships and special occasions. We offer real roses preserved in 24kt gold with personalized messages on the petals, and engraved family trees. These gifts of love are perfect for anniversaries, weddings, Valentine’s Day, Christmas, birthdays, and Mother’s day. Our high commissions and high average unit sale ($100+ for roses and $250+ for trees) makes this a profitable affiliate program. We look forward to working with you as we have served our clients for over 35 years.


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关于 LoveIsARose

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In 1966, Sid Fey began designing jewelry and consumer products that revolved around families, love, and relationships. So, we welcome you to our site that has gifts which honor your relationships, and celebrate those special occasions that create special memories. On the site are wonderful gifts for a wedding, anniversary, birthday, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Sweetest Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, or just to let her know you love her with the gift a gold rose because it's Tuesday.

Our specialty is our exclusive imprinting of your personalized message on the individual petals of our real, preserved roses. We also have vases available with engraved message plates, making our roses the most unique and memorable gift you can give. Feel free to call us at any time with any questions you may have. Our commitment to you is your complete satisfaction.