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截止日期: 2021-08-07
In 2019, we noticed something brewing in the drinks world. Unlike a sugary cocktail or an uninspiring gin in a tin, hard seltzers were light, refreshing and full of flavour. Just the thing we’d been looking to drink. But most were packed with artificial ingredients and fake flavours, which made no sense to us.
Fuelled by a rebellious spirit, a thirst for adventure and a healthy dose of blind optimism, we decided to quit our 9-5 corporate jobs and create our very own hard seltzer. One we’d make the right way, with the right ingredients.
After some careful crafting, a bit of experimenting and a long night or two, we got there. A fruit-infused hard seltzer that’s low calorie, has all-natural ingredients and tastes great. Check them out here.