

关于 FloridaTix

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What can we do for you?
We’ll hook you up with the best attractions, theme parks and tours in Florida!
We know the guys on the door: Our advance tickets can get you into the theme parks faster and easier
We’ll give you something the USA can’t: UK-exclusive packages that you can’t get in the States!
What we don’t know about Florida isn’t worth knowing and we’ve shared it all in our in-depth theme park guides!
We’re Flexible. You get to choose how to pay, how to contact us and how you’ll receive your tickets.
We’re Local – our offices and call centre are based in the rockin’ city of Birmingham, UK!
But we’re still working on getting you these…

That dream villa in Orlando
The Disney Princesses’ phone numbers
Florida weather in Britain
(We might be experts but we’re not magicians!)