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Best place to buy cheap pet supplies!


关于 Doggiemerch

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DoggieMerch is the world's leading expert for customized pet products.

It's well known that people with animals often enjoy a better quality of health and well-being because of the positive effect of having an animal companion. With this in mind, our aim is to ensure you get the most out of that relationship.

All of our crew have been hand-picked because of their exceptional pet knowledge and passion for pets. They are all pet owners themselves, but most importantly they all love pets! The passion of our team shines through as many are studying Animal Husbandry or Zoology (or similar) courses at university or TAFE.

We set a very high standard when we went looking for a suitable place to make our customized pet products. We wanted to find a place that would be able to make our product to the highest standards of quality, a luxury product we could offer to the market at everyday prices. After visiting over a hundred factories, we found our perfect match with the combination of quality and personal attention of the owners when we met our local partner and saw what their team of artisans could make. Once we made the decision, we joined forces to make it possible to not only get the highest quality customized production, but also ones you could design yourself.

All of the products in our specialized line are made to the highest sustainable practices, using premium materials with a known provenance. The premium materials we use are from Germany and Japan.